Ramsden’s Open Gardens have about fifteen gardens open biennially on a Sunday in May or June. This year it is on Sunday, May 28th between 1.30pm and 5.30pm.
Adults £5. Children free.
Teas in a central garden, plant stall and books for sale. In aid of Ramsden's Memorial Hall and St James’ Church.
The Book Stall will be outside Fox Cottage in Wilcote Lane with a large and varied selection of good-as-new gardening, cookery and wine books, as well as some quirky and humorous ones.
“The Ramsden Village Story” will also be on sale plus some local, home-made marmalade.
And to celebrate the day, the renowned Royal Oak Pub will remain open all afternoon!!!
The plant stall will need your plants! So, plant your seeds now!!!
If you can offer plants for the plant stall, please e mail opengardens@ramsdenvillage.co.uk
The gardens include three very interesting gardens of more than an acre and those of many smaller houses and cottages in this lovely Cotswolds village.
To register your garden for opening or for more information ( including accessibility) please contact:-