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May 2016, Ramsden Parish Council Meeting



  1. To elect a Chairperson

  2. To elect a Vice-Chairperson

  3. To receive the Chairperson's declaration of acceptance of office

  4. Public participation session

  5. To receive apologies for absence

  6. To receive declarations of pecuniary interest from Councillors relating to agenda items

  7. To sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 18th April 2016

  8. Matters of report arising from previous minutes

  9. Report from our District Councillor Gill Hill

  10. Newsletter report

  11. Website report

  12. To consider funding for professional newsletter page layout services

  13. To review the Parish Council Risk Assessment

  14. Planning:

    1. a)  Applications received from WODC:
      16/01150/HHD - Ramsden House Akeman Street Ramsden Erection of fence and gate. (Retrospective)

    2. b)  WODC decisions: None

    3. c)  Other planning issues: None

  15. Financial matters

    1. a)  To receive the monthly financial summary (circulated at the meeting)

    2. b)  To approve the monthly payment schedule of accounts

    3. c)  To review the Internal Auditors report.

  16. Correspondence

  17. Reports from Village Committees

  18. Any Other Matters

Later Event: May 28
Stones in his pockets